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From the Deputy Principal


Sun Protection For All

This week marked the beginning of May which is the time when students do not have to wear hats when outside. Our school ‘Sun Protection Policy’ is modelled upon the recommendations of the Cancer Council which states that any time the UV rating is over 3 then hats should be worn. Hence, we now have a very responsible person (VRP) who checks the UV rating at Tea Tree Gully before recess every day to see if it is under or over 3 and makes an announcement as to whether hats are to be worn on that day or not. I would like to thank Alonso who has been doing a great job of this. Please ensure hats are at school every day.


Winter Uniform Is Now The Trend

Next week we will have finished the transition from summer uniform into winter uniform. It has been wonderful to see so many students coming to school wearing this uniform correctly and with pride. Correct hair ties, wearing the school tie properly and the correct black school shoes really shows a feeling of commonness, equality, personal discipline and a sense of belonging to Saint David’s. As a school  community we appreciate the support of families to encourage students to wear our uniform with care and pride.


Mothers’ Day Celebration

Tomorrow we celebrate our heartfelt Mothers’ Day Liturgy, Morning Tea and classroom visit celebration. We look forward to seeing students represented by their mother, grandmother or a significant woman in their lives, where possible. I look forward to seeing you there. This celebration concludes at 10:15 when classes will resume their learning program. May all mothers have a special day on Sunday.


Wishing everyone much peace, love and happiness in this blessed Easter Season.
